hispiano wrote in onlysocks Mar 11, 2010 23:58
video file|.tp, type|performance, ♪ Purple Line, ♪ The Way U Are, ---- korea, ♪ Wrong Number, artist|tvxq, --- mnet korean music festival, ♪ Rising Sun, ♪ Mirotic, resolution|720x480, -- 2008, ♪ HUG
hispiano wrote in onlysocks Mar 07, 2010 19:08
video file|.tp, type|performance, ---- korea, artist|tvxq, --- mnet korean music festival, -- 2004, ♪ Magic Castle, resolution|720x480, artist|the trax, artist|boa, ♪ Tri-Angle, ♪ HUG
hispiano wrote in onlysocks Mar 03, 2010 21:49
video file|.tp, type|performance, ---- korea, artist|tvxq, --- mnet korean music festival, artist|csjh the grace, resolution|720x480, artist|super junior, -- 2005
hispiano wrote in onlysocks Feb 23, 2010 04:20
♪ "O"-正.反.合., video file|.tp, type|performance, ---- korea, artist|tvxq, --- mnet korean music festival, resolution|720x480, -- 2006